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Friday, December 31, 2010
Terapi Anodyne untuk Kencing Manis

What is Anodyne?
Anodyne Testing EquipmentAnodyne is a treatment that uses light energy, which dramatically increases circulation in the area to which it is applied. Light-emitting diodes are fitted into flexible pads that can be applied directly to the skin on any affected part of the body. The light energy helps increase blood flow by delivering healing cells and nutrients to the injured site.

How does Anodyne therapy work?
Anodyne therapy consists of 10 to 20 sessions lasting 45 minutes each. During this time, energy is penetrating your tissues increasing circulation up to 400 percent. It is this increase in circulation that results in relief of pain and rapid wound healing.
Nitric Oxide is the key
Light energy helps your body release a gas called Nitric Oxide from your own red blood cells. Three scientists received the Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine in 1998 for their discoveries surrounding Nitric Oxide and its effect on the cardiovascular system (Furchgott, Ignarro, and Murad). This powerful molecule plays a critical role in the health of your arteries; Anodyne increases its production resulting in pain relief and improved circulation. To learn more about Nitric Oxide and the 1998 Nobel Prize go to
Anodyne for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
are you experiencing loss of sensation, loss of balance, chronic pain, or loss of feeling in your extremities? Before experiencing wounds or diabetic ulcers, patients affected by diabetic peripheral neuropathy suffer from loss of sensation, loss of balance, chronic pain, or loss of feeling in their extremities. This is of particular concern for health care providers because patients cannot identify (or sometimes feel) the source of the problem; therefore, often recognize the symptoms when they have progressed and circulation is severely compromised. Wounds or diabetic ulcers left untreated can lead to amputations.
Once serious complications manifest, an approach to treatment may involve the surgical placement of stents and the use of prescription drugs. Anodyne offers a new alternative. It is a therapy that can be used to intervene at the early stages of disease in order to prevent the more serious complications. Depending on the severity of the disease Anodyne may or may not be used in conjunction with prescription drugs. For those needing prescription drugs in conjunction with Anodyne for their neuropathy treatment, at EMMC the long-term goal is to reduce their list of medications and to place them on alternative natural options.
Anodyne for Chronic Pain & Poor circulation
If you suffer from any condition distinguished by pain and inflammation or a condition characterized by poor circulation, anodyne provides a painless, non - invasive treatment option for you. Anodyne is often associated with the treatment of diabetic complications such as neuropathy, but its benefits extend far beyond. Our clinic sees compelling results for a variety of other conditions ranging from:
- Arthritis
- Bursitis
- Edema
- Tendonitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Sprains
- Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (loss of sensation or feeling)
- Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorders (“TMJ”)
- Slow healing wounds
- Diabetic ulcers
- Stress Fractures
“I spend less time laying down and staying off my feet and more time getting out and walking again.” “My feet had a burning feeling and I couldn’t be on them more than 10 – 15 minutes. It has also done wonders for my lower back, legs, and ankles.” ~ Anthony Alexander
“I use to get ulcers that would not heal. With Anodyne treatments my ulcer is getting smaller and my wound is slowly healing. It is getting easier to get around and I also feel better all around.” ~ Phillip Tabby
“I had arthroscopic knee surgery followed by severe bruising and swelling; I could barely walk and had many sleepless nights due to the pain. After my first treatment I was able to slowly walk, bend my knee, feel less pain, and couldn’t wait for the next treatment.” ~ Elisabeth Eichhorst
- Anodyne Therapy International
- Endocrine Metabolic MedicalCenter
Anodyne Therapy is cleared by FDA for temporarily increasing circulation and reducing pain, stiffness and muscle spasm. Therefore, any condition that would benefit from these indications may benefit from the effects of this infrared therapy device. Some patients feel pain relief in the first treatment, while others need 10 or more treatments to feel improvement. Generally speaking, if patients have not felt some improvement within 20 treatments, infrared therapy may not be effective for their condition.

Dapatkan Terapi Anodyne di Care4U Dm Darul Naim SeKarang!!!!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Diabetic Foot ulcer 1
DIabetic Foot Setelah Rawatan Di Care4U Dm Darul Naim
Selama 2 Bulan pernah mendapat Maggots Debridement Therapy
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Selepas 3 Hari proses Penyembuhan Terus Berjalan, Penutupan Luka Sedikit Demi Sedikit
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diabetic foot
Diabetic Foot
Awak Tak Tahu Selagi awak Belum Lihat Dengan Mata Sendiri Yang Kaki Kencing Manis Macam NI!!
Awak Tengok-Renungkan, Pikirkan Sekiranya Keluarga Anda Menghidap Kencing Manis
Itu Bermakna Awak Juga Berbakat untuk menghidapi PenyakitKencing Manis Dan Jika Bila Awak Sakit Kencing Manis Awak BerKemungkinan Berisiko Menderita Diabetic Foot Infection
Jika Awak Sayang diri dan Keluarga, Ikuti lah Kempen Kerajaan Malaysia

Satu Sudu Gula Sudah Cukup,Kurang Lebih Baik

Kurangkan Memakan Kuih-Muih Yang Manis dan gantikan dengan memakan Buah-buahan
Makanan baik Untuk Pesakit Kencing Manis
Bila AWak atau aHli Keluarga Menghidap Kencing Manis, RajinKan Diri dan Pesan lah Mereka untuk Menjaga , Merawat dan Memeriksa Kaki Secara Rutin.
Apabila AWak Mengenal Pasti Terdapat Ada Kaki Yang Mulai MenghidaP Diabetic Foot. Segera Dapat Kan Rawatan SecePat Mungkin Kerana " Time is Toes " Semakin Cepat awak BertinDak semakin Banyak JAri Kaki Yang Dapat Diselamatkan
Dapatkan Rawatan Terbaik Di:
Care4u DM Darul NAim
Awak Tengok-Renungkan, Pikirkan Sekiranya Keluarga Anda Menghidap Kencing Manis
Itu Bermakna Awak Juga Berbakat untuk menghidapi PenyakitKencing Manis Dan Jika Bila Awak Sakit Kencing Manis Awak BerKemungkinan Berisiko Menderita Diabetic Foot Infection

Jika Awak Sayang diri dan Keluarga, Ikuti lah Kempen Kerajaan Malaysia

Satu Sudu Gula Sudah Cukup,Kurang Lebih Baik

Kurangkan Memakan Kuih-Muih Yang Manis dan gantikan dengan memakan Buah-buahan
Makanan baik Untuk Pesakit Kencing Manis
Bila AWak atau aHli Keluarga Menghidap Kencing Manis, RajinKan Diri dan Pesan lah Mereka untuk Menjaga , Merawat dan Memeriksa Kaki Secara Rutin.
Apabila AWak Mengenal Pasti Terdapat Ada Kaki Yang Mulai MenghidaP Diabetic Foot. Segera Dapat Kan Rawatan SecePat Mungkin Kerana " Time is Toes " Semakin Cepat awak BertinDak semakin Banyak JAri Kaki Yang Dapat Diselamatkan
Dapatkan Rawatan Terbaik Di:
Care4u DM Darul NAim
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Maggots Debridement Therapy
Maggot Therapy for Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers Unresponsive to Conventional Therapy

Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT) is the medical use of live maggots (fly larvae) for cleaning non-healing wounds. Medicinal maggots have three actions: 1) they debride (clean) wounds by dissolving the dead (necrotic), infected tissue; 2) they disinfect the wound, by killing bacteria; and 3) they stimulate wound healing.

Maggot debridement therapy Larvae used for MDT need to be sterile to prevent contamination, and therefore must be bred in a controlled sterile, moist environment. Newborn larvae should be used within 8 hours or stored in a refrigerator at 8º to 10ºC, so as to slow their metabolism. To maximise debridement, it is important to ensure an optimal body temperature, adequate oxygen supply and moisture, though too much moisture may kill the larvae. The use of occlusive dressings should be avoided, as larvae require oxygen to survive. Propylene glycol from hydrogel dressings can limit the growth and viability of larvae, while systemic antibiotics do not affect larval development.

Mechanisms of maggot debridement Therapy

Scientists first postulated that the debriding action of maggots was due to their mechanical wriggling. Maggots use a pair of mandibles/hooks for movement and attachment, and it was believed that the probing from the hooks may facilitate wound debridement. Recently, three proteolytic enzyme classes have been identified in the maggot excretions/ secretions (ES). These enzymes effectively degrade extracellular matrix components, including laminin and fibronectin. The ES could thus assist in the digestion of the wound matrix, leading to effective debridement.


The presence of antibacterial substances has long been identified in maggot ES. Thus, ES has an inhibitory effect on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This activity of the ES was thermally stable and protease-resistant. Using ultrafiltration, the latter study identified two fractions with inhibitory effects on S aureus and MRSA. It was also believed that ammonia excreted by maggots increases wound pH, thereby creating an unfavourable environment for bacterial growth. According to another hypothesis, maggots ingest bacteria and kill them within their alimentary tract. Mumcuoglu et al investigated the fate of E coli after ingestion by L sericata. It transpired that the proximal alimentary canal was more heavily infested, with 67% of the throat harbouring live bacteria. The figures dropped dramatically as the bacteria moved distally along their alimentary canal. Only 18% of the posterior hindgut was found to contain live bacteria.

Enhancement of wound healing
It was believed that the enhancement in tissue growth was due to an increase in fibroblast proliferation brought about by the ES. Horobin et al demonstrated that the ES altered fibroblast adhesions to collagen and fibronectin, and it was subsequently shown that it increased the migration (but not proliferation) of fibroblasts. This was attributed mainly to the action of serine and metallo proteinases. These investigators then developed a three-dimensional model to better simulate a human wound.Their results were consistent with the previous studies and supported by later investigators. An upregulation oftyrosine phosphorylation was also detected, which possibly enhanced the motility of the fibroblasts. Others have postulated that maggots secreted cytokines, which help wound healing. High levels of gamma-interferon and interleukin-10 (IL-10) were found in the ES, but as to whether these cytokines are responsible for increasing granulation requires further investigation.

Indications for maggot debridement therapy
Maggot debridement therapy is mainly used for the cleaning and disinfection of chronic wounds that are sloughy, necrotic, and infected. Various clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of MDT in treating wounds that fail to heal following alternative forms of treatment. Larvae were effective in removing necrotic tissue and exudation without damaging adjacent healthy tissue. This action stimulated tissue granulation and reduced offensive odours brought about by infections. Compared to conventional hydrogel therapy, MDT was more effective for chronic venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and pressure ulcers

Contra-indications and side-effects
Dry wounds are a relative contra-indication as maggots require a moist environment. The use of maggots should also be avoided in open wounds of body cavities or wounds in close proximity to large blood vessels so as to facilitate the removal of the larvae. Also, maggots should not be used in patients who are allergic to eggs, soybeans, or fly larvae. Maggot debridement therapy has not been associated with major adverse effects or complications, but has been reported to cause mild discomfort, malodour at the first change of dressing, and escape of larvae. Excessive pressure applied on to parts of the wound may also kill maggots in that area, leading to uneven wound debridement. Despite
these shortcomings, even patients experiencing pain during treatment tend to report improved appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of maggot debridement therapy (“MDT")
What do you think about MaGGoT??
iF you are one of those who really sick and suffer froM Diabetic Foot really BAD, WouLd you preFer tHis Therapy?? Leave a Comment
Get maggot debridement Therapy aT
Care4U DM darul Naim Now!!!
Lot 666, Kampung Chicha, Kubang Kerian
16150 Kota Bahru, Kelantan Malaysia

Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT) is the medical use of live maggots (fly larvae) for cleaning non-healing wounds. Medicinal maggots have three actions: 1) they debride (clean) wounds by dissolving the dead (necrotic), infected tissue; 2) they disinfect the wound, by killing bacteria; and 3) they stimulate wound healing.

Maggot debridement therapy Larvae used for MDT need to be sterile to prevent contamination, and therefore must be bred in a controlled sterile, moist environment. Newborn larvae should be used within 8 hours or stored in a refrigerator at 8º to 10ºC, so as to slow their metabolism. To maximise debridement, it is important to ensure an optimal body temperature, adequate oxygen supply and moisture, though too much moisture may kill the larvae. The use of occlusive dressings should be avoided, as larvae require oxygen to survive. Propylene glycol from hydrogel dressings can limit the growth and viability of larvae, while systemic antibiotics do not affect larval development.

Mechanisms of maggot debridement Therapy

Scientists first postulated that the debriding action of maggots was due to their mechanical wriggling. Maggots use a pair of mandibles/hooks for movement and attachment, and it was believed that the probing from the hooks may facilitate wound debridement. Recently, three proteolytic enzyme classes have been identified in the maggot excretions/ secretions (ES). These enzymes effectively degrade extracellular matrix components, including laminin and fibronectin. The ES could thus assist in the digestion of the wound matrix, leading to effective debridement.


The presence of antibacterial substances has long been identified in maggot ES. Thus, ES has an inhibitory effect on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant S aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This activity of the ES was thermally stable and protease-resistant. Using ultrafiltration, the latter study identified two fractions with inhibitory effects on S aureus and MRSA. It was also believed that ammonia excreted by maggots increases wound pH, thereby creating an unfavourable environment for bacterial growth. According to another hypothesis, maggots ingest bacteria and kill them within their alimentary tract. Mumcuoglu et al investigated the fate of E coli after ingestion by L sericata. It transpired that the proximal alimentary canal was more heavily infested, with 67% of the throat harbouring live bacteria. The figures dropped dramatically as the bacteria moved distally along their alimentary canal. Only 18% of the posterior hindgut was found to contain live bacteria.

Enhancement of wound healing
It was believed that the enhancement in tissue growth was due to an increase in fibroblast proliferation brought about by the ES. Horobin et al demonstrated that the ES altered fibroblast adhesions to collagen and fibronectin, and it was subsequently shown that it increased the migration (but not proliferation) of fibroblasts. This was attributed mainly to the action of serine and metallo proteinases. These investigators then developed a three-dimensional model to better simulate a human wound.Their results were consistent with the previous studies and supported by later investigators. An upregulation oftyrosine phosphorylation was also detected, which possibly enhanced the motility of the fibroblasts. Others have postulated that maggots secreted cytokines, which help wound healing. High levels of gamma-interferon and interleukin-10 (IL-10) were found in the ES, but as to whether these cytokines are responsible for increasing granulation requires further investigation.

Indications for maggot debridement therapy
Maggot debridement therapy is mainly used for the cleaning and disinfection of chronic wounds that are sloughy, necrotic, and infected. Various clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of MDT in treating wounds that fail to heal following alternative forms of treatment. Larvae were effective in removing necrotic tissue and exudation without damaging adjacent healthy tissue. This action stimulated tissue granulation and reduced offensive odours brought about by infections. Compared to conventional hydrogel therapy, MDT was more effective for chronic venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, and pressure ulcers

Contra-indications and side-effects
Dry wounds are a relative contra-indication as maggots require a moist environment. The use of maggots should also be avoided in open wounds of body cavities or wounds in close proximity to large blood vessels so as to facilitate the removal of the larvae. Also, maggots should not be used in patients who are allergic to eggs, soybeans, or fly larvae. Maggot debridement therapy has not been associated with major adverse effects or complications, but has been reported to cause mild discomfort, malodour at the first change of dressing, and escape of larvae. Excessive pressure applied on to parts of the wound may also kill maggots in that area, leading to uneven wound debridement. Despite
these shortcomings, even patients experiencing pain during treatment tend to report improved appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of maggot debridement therapy (“MDT")
- Efficacy, as demonstrated in several small but significant controlled clinical studies.
- Takes about 15-30 minutes to apply a secure dressing to keep the maggots in place.
- Maggots are highly perishable and should be used within 24 hours of arrival.
- Excellent safety record.
- Simple enough that non-surgeons can use it to provide thorough debridement when surgery is not available or is not the optimal choice. This means that it is also possible to provide surgical quality debridement as an outpatient or in the home.
- Low cost of treatment.
What do you think about MaGGoT??

Get maggot debridement Therapy aT
Care4U DM darul Naim Now!!!
Lot 666, Kampung Chicha, Kubang Kerian
16150 Kota Bahru, Kelantan Malaysia

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