Thursday, January 27, 2011

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 will be released in November of this year. Part 2 will follow in November 2012

Making babies:Edward Cullen (Pattinson) and Bella Swan (Stewart).

Anak yang dibuat akan  muncul dalam 

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy, aged 10 ), half-vampire, half-human child in Twilight.

Read more:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Magnolia Sherbet A Day Motivate To Study Everyday!!!


sebut pasal ais-krim, teringat zaman waktu kanak-kanak. Dulu waktu kecil saya nangis guling-guling bila mama tidak mahu belikan ais-krim kesukaan saya.

Bila dah besar ini saya tidak faham kenapa dahulu saya bersikap sebegitu, seolah-olah aiskrim benda sangat penting dalam dunia ini, bila saya lihat adik saya baru saya sedar betapa ais krim membawa kegembiraan kepada seorang kanak2x

Dan siapa sangka motivasi datang dari sesuatu yang tidak disangka.. inilah kisah
legenda adik saya

Adik sekarang sekolah darjah enam, Tahun 2011 ini adik ada ujian UPSR, adik pandai, tapi adik cepat boring, sejak dulu adik selalu dapat 5A dalam ujian, tapi sejak akhir-akhir ini adik banyak main, main dengan kawan, main game komputer dan sekarang adik kurang tumpuan belajar

Bila adik malas, adik banyak main, kerja sekolah adik tak siap, adik  kene marah dengan mama, macam ni lah muka adik. tidak ceria, bosan, kurang semangat, saya bimbang tengok adik macam ni sehinggalah saya mendapat suatu idea..

saya belikan  Magnolia sherbet untuk adik, ketika saya memberikan aiskrim itu reaksi adik sangat terkejut, wajah gembira terpancar dan adik sangat bahagia. Bila lihat adik, saya rasa nak beli Magnolia Sherbet setiap hari untuk adik..:)  i do everything to make u happy adik.

Adik membuka Magnolia Sherbet dengan sangat gembira dan teruja, seperti Kapten Jack Sparrow (pirates of the caribbean) membuka peti harta karun.

Adik suka menonton cerita P.Ramlee, jadi mungkin dia teringat cerita Tiga Abdul ( abdul wahab,abdul wahid, abdul wahud). Kalu nak makan kene ambil bau dulu ye..(hehe jangan marah tulis panjang2x nanti kena Jual)

Adik pun mulai makan suapan pertama.. oke adik makan la.. abang beli untuk adik Magnolia Sherbet Mangosteen. mesti adik suka.

Apa yang mengembirakan hati saya ialah, suapan pertama Magnolia Sherbet Mangosteen cukup untuk membuat adik tersenyum. saya tahu kalu adik tersenyum begitu mesti Magnolia Sherbet Mangosteen ini sangat Sedap.. adik , abang nak cuba sikit boleh?

Abang Rasa puas, terharu bila adik cakap terima kasih abang sebab abang dah belikan adik Magnolia Sherbet , adik nak  dengar cakap abang, adik nak belajar rajin-rajin, nanti adik jd rajin , abang beli lagi ek! Magnolia Sherbet kesukaan adik. adik terus masuk bilik belajar dengan tekun.

adik rajin belajar, mama senang hati, abang pun bangga bila adik dapat keputusan baik. daripada adik main dekat luar, malas belajar, lebih baik abang beli Magnolia Sherbet tiap hari . adik jadi lebih semangat..cuba lihat tu bertapa semangat adik.. 
 Biarlah Magnolia Sherbet menjadi teman adik belajar. adik belajar lah rajin-rajin supaya adik dapat keputusan cemerlang, membanggakan kedua orang tua, bangsa dan tanah air.

Terima Kasih Magnolia Sherbet, Kehadiranmu Membawa Semangat, Kegembiraan dan Harapan. Semoga adik dapat Mengapai cita-cita adik untuk Menjadi seorang dokter suatu hari nanti.

The End

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jual Rumah House for sale


Rumah untuk dijual, House for Sale!!!

Terbuka untuk negosiasi harga, Open for Negotiation!!!

Rumah ini berlokasi strategik di Masai  15 menit dari Johor Bahru,  terletak 1,5 km dari Hospital Pakar Regency, Pusat membeli belah Tesco ,Mc-Donald , Pasar borong Today's Market 

see more picture here: :
Lokasi :
71 Jalan Tembusu 17,
Taman Rinting , Masai
81750 johor bahru, 
Johor darul Takzim, Malaysia 

View Larger Map

McDonalds Bandar Sri Alam
24 hours Drive Thru

Regency Specialist Hospital 
is a new hospital located in the growing township of Bandar Seri Alam in Masai, Johor.  Our 218-bed hospital is equipped with a full range of medical and diagnostic equipment needed to deliver premier healthcare services at affordable rates to patients in Malaysia and the region.

Octville Golf and Country Club
Since 1993, Octville Golf & Country Club has become one of the most prestigious clubs in Johor. Octville Golf & Country Club, located in the heartlands of Masai is a premier integrated golf resort in Johor Bahru that boasts of an 18-hole championship golf course that can challenge even the low-handicap golfers.
Octville Golf Course extends over a landscaped countryside and feature four ponds which served as water hazards as well as reservoirs for irrigation truly making it an all-weather course. If you are keen on night golfing, we offer 9 holes that are floodlit.
 Octville Golf & Country presents an idyllic resort for the avid golfer and his family with tranquil surroundings, transporting you away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Nestled between Pasir Gudang and Johor Bahru, it is only a 20 minute drive from the causeway

Berminat, interested..  ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email ke :

Pelan Rumah
keluasan 85 x 35
 Single storey semi-detached

see more picture here: :

Berminat, interested..  ada sebarang pertanyaan sila email ke :

Sunday, January 23, 2011

facebook is the most wanted keywords


Top 500 Keywords In The Last 48 Hours by

Top 500 keywords kindly provided by Wordtracker.
Research keywords using Wordtracker's database of 330 million search terms.

Last Update: Sunday, January 23, 2011
No     Keyword     Count
1    facebook    6653

facebook is going to rule the world.

ubat kencing manis- kesian nenek

Kesian Nenek

Posted by Picasa
       (Gambar Sekadar Hiasan)

Nenek Umur DAh 60+ sudah Tua, Mata pun dah rabun, Nenek Ada Penyakit Darah Tinggi, Kencing Manis dan Sakit Sendi.

Nenek Kena makan Macam-macam Jenis Ubat.Lebih Dari 6 jenis ubat seTiap Kali Makan {kencing manis 2, darah tinggi 2, sakit sendi 1,tahan sakit 1, vitamin 1}. Setiap Bulan Nenek Dapat Ubat Dari Hospital Kerajaan , Ada Pegawai Farmasi Yang Menerangkan Cara dan Aturan Makan Ubat, ada yang Sebelum  dan ada yang Selepas Makan, 2-3 Kali sehari,ada yang makan bila perlu..

Tapi nenek sudah Tua, nenek tak dapat ingat sangat ape yang pegawai farmasi terangkan dulu.Nenek hanya kenal ubat dari bungkusan dan bentuk ubat.begitulah ,kadang nenek Lupa, Kadang nenek Salah makan obat, Nenek tak nampak tulisan pen didepan sampul plastik ubat sebab telalu kecil. Sakit kencing manis dan darah tiggi nenek jadi tidak terkawal dengan baik. kesian nenek..

Jadi tuGas kita sebagai anak, cucu , cicit untuk memperhatikan, memastikan nenek makan ubat dengan betul.

                                                ( gambar sekadar hiasan )

UBat Kencing Manis yang Biasa Digunakan

Nama Jenama/Nama Obat/Dosis/aturan makan
Jenama (brand) obat :Glucobay,Precose 
Nama Generik : Acarbose
Dosis tersedian : 25,50,100 mg
cara makan : 3 kali sehari pada suapan pertama ketika makan.  
cara kerja : bekerja di perut. menurunkan penyerapan karbohidrat di perut.

Jenama(brand) Obat : Glucophage
nama generik : metformin 
dosis tersedia : 500, 850 mg
cara makan : 2-3 kali sehari
cara kerja : menurunkan kadar gula di hati
(side effect ke ginjal, tidak disarankan untuk pesakit kencing manis dengan penurunan fungsi ginjal )

jenama(brand)ubat: Diabeta, Micronase,Glynase,Euglucon, Gliburide
Nama generik : Glibenclamide
dosisi tersedia : 5 mg, 10 mg
cara makan : 1-2 kali sehari / 30 minit sebelum makan
cara kerja : meningkatkan pengeluaran hormon insulin yang akan menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah.

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    Diabetic and Amputation

    Five days late.. time is toes..
    when you late seek for treatment, amputation is the only choice..

    One of the most potentially serious complications regards neuropathy, which at its most severe can lead to amputation. Diabetes is one the leading causes of amputation of the lower limbs throughout the world. Doctors estimate that almost half of all amputations are caused by neuropathy and circulatory problems that could be prevented.

    Diabetes-related Foot and Leg Problems

    •    Infections and ulcers (sores) that don’t heal. An ulcer is a sore in the skin that may go all the way to the bone. Because of poor circulation and neuropathy in the feet, cuts or blisters can easily turn into ulcers that become infected and won’t heal. This is a common – and serious – complication of diabetes and can lead to a loss of your foot, your leg, or your life.
    •      Corns and calluses. When neuropathy is present, you can’t tell if your shoes are causing pressure and producing corns or calluses. Corns and calluses must be properly treated or they can develop into ulcers.
    •      Dry, cracked skin. Poor circulation and neuropathy can make your skin dry. This may seem harmless, but dry skin can result in cracks that may become sores and can lead to infection.
    •      Nail disorders. Ingrown toenails (which curve into the skin on the sides of the nail) and fungal infections can go unnoticed because of loss of feeling. If they are not properly treated, they can lead to infection.
    •  Hammertoes and bunions. Nerve damage affecting muscles can cause muscle weakness and loss of tone in the feet, resulting in hammertoes and bunions. If left untreated, these deformities can cause ulcers.
    •     Charcot foot. This is a complex foot deformity. It develops as a result of loss of sensation and an undetected broken bone that leads to destruction of the soft tissue of the foot. Because of neuropathy, the pain of the fracture goes unnoticed and the patient continues to walk on the broken bone, making it worse. This disabling complication is so severe that surgery, and occasionally amputation, may become necessary.
    •    Poor blood flow. In diabetes, the blood vessels below the knee often become narrow and restrict blood flow. This prevents wounds from healing and may cause tissue death.

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